- Brain is a hardware and mind is a software.
- How many minds do we have?
- Power of subconscious mind!
- 6000 thoughts per day.Most are negative.
- Negative thoughts dispose crotosol distress harmone in the blood.
- 2% decision we make and 98% time our subsconcious minds takes Decision.

- Memory
- Reading Skill
- Concentration
- Focus
- Confidence
- Creativity
Experience Mind Priests Workshop
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Our Testimonials
Everything was just so perfect. I have learnt to be more positive. Overall Very Informative & outstanding workshop.
Priyanka Prasad
The most valuable part of the workshop was relaxing technique. I have become a positive person now.
Neetu Deene
All the sections were very valuable. The workshop will certainly help me boost my relationships, health and work. I acquired very good and encouraging knowledge on how to make my life better and how to be more happy and satisfactory.
Vijaya Shrivastava
Very good program. Everybody should do it.
Santosh Gupta
Very well organized Training programme
Ashwani Garg
The workshop is awesome & the most valuable part is how we can improve ourselves by doing little changes in our attitude. The workshop is perfect with expert trainers.
Rajendra Srivastava