Ready Made Digital Business Opportunity

Launch Your Online Education Center Straight from Your Home Without Creating Any Courses

Mentor & Upskill Students Online


Generate unlimited career reports for the clients.


Through pre recorded podcasts & videos.


Learn how to get the quality leads through facebook campaigns.

Grab limited time offer! Last few spots left

What is in it for you ?

Starting an Online Education  Center and directing students on their development and Career is a very responsible job. To successfully take up this profession you need 3 things.

  1. Online Career Coaching
  2. Online study skill training
  3. Smart mind programming

We give you a Psychometric Test Software designed by Global experts that generates unlimited reports.

Psychometric tests are a standard and scientific method used to measure individuals mental capabilities and behavioural style. Psychometric tests are designed to measure candidates suitability for a role based on the required personality characteristics and aptitude (or cognitive abilities). 

We will provide modules related to NLP, mind programming, speed reading and much more to enhance study skills of students.


How it works

Psychometric Test

Psychometric Test Report (18 Pages) is a question based test & can be done for 8 years plus kids and helps identify the following:

  • 8 Multiple intelligence based on Dr Howrd Gardner theory.
  • Personality Types based on RIASEC Theory.
  • Career Selection Rating.

Benefits to Students & Adults: It helps identify

  • Strengths
  • Weakness & recommendation to overcome the weakness.
  • Personality and its effect & how to regulate affects.
  • Career indication and suggests the best 3 professions.

Benefits to Human Resource &  small Business Owners

  • Identifies aptitude that helps them in recruitment by mapping Aptitude, Personality Type with the role.
  • Intra-departmental transfers.

Revenue projection

Let us calculate how much you can generate by starting your online education center

Psychometric Test

INR 1,00,000

Study skills & smart mind programming

INR 1,00,000

Expected revenue : Rs. 2,00,000

Are you ready to start your online education center

Marketing & Customer Acquisition

The model is simple and in high demand. 

But what about sales? 

How to find students for your service?

How to convert them?

How to collect payments for it?

No need to worry we have solution for everything.

Training modules

We have designed a series of training tutorials for you which covers everything to market and scale your products online. How to create and manage your sales funnels, running Facebook ads, etc. Complete training will be provided to you.

Marketing & Customer Acquisition


Get Today's offer in just Rs. 9,900

Lifetime access with all future updates


About Your Trainer

Rajul Shrivastava

Edtech Business Coach


Rajul Shrivastava

Edtech Business Coach

How I Started?

I’m an Edtech Business Coach and I help people strategically switch from job to business without a loss of monthly revenue

2 decades in Corporate World gave me a stable lifestyle. But as a part of package I also got Stress, Anxiety, tempramental issues, No family time, etc

One day I realized, it’s enough and guess what?


What next?

I decided to make my Passion as a Profession and started my Training Organization

What kind of training?

I Realized entire world was telling kids what to study? but no one ever told the children How to Study?

Hence the Birth of mindpriests

On July 28, 2015 I started my entrepreneurial journey. Embraced failures, celebrated Success.

Our Research team focussed on creating fun-filled & need-based Online & Offline Programs while our digital team focussed on how to scale up the business

I realized Lakhs of people are under work-related stress and want to Start their entrepreneurship journey  yet are not able to come out of the Rat Race  I decided to help them.

Since than, I helped 1500+ professionals to strategically move form their current status to entrepreneurship status. For 57% this is the only source of income.

Me and my team developed a Risk-free, recession-free, COVID-free model with a proven business plan so your journey from employee to employer becomes a reality.

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