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5-Hour Startup Challenge
Set your edu-center LIVE

Learn A-Z about starting your edu-center STEP BY STEP with automated process

You’ll be able to start from the beginner level. The best part is, everything will be LIVE step by step. You will implement everything practically.

Why this workshop?

There are numourus models to work on. Starting a blog, affilate marketing, selling your own service/consultations, drop shipping, print on demand and even selling your own courses and coaching. Every model is having its own Pros and Cons

What if there is an easy practical approach ?

Which can help you launch and scale without  working longer hours, 

Sounds too good to be true?

What's Inside This Challenge

Memory training + Live demo - Rs 3000

Business Breakthrough Audit - Rs 1000

Digital Marketing Hacks-
Rs 1000

Live FB Ad Setup -
Rs 3000

Proven Sales Funnel -
Rs 1000

Live Conversion Callathon - Rs 2000

High Ticket Closing Script - Rs 3000

Online Assessment Template - Rs 500

Who can attend this workshop?

How this challenge works?

Schedule – 2-7 pm Saturday, March 6, 2021

Attend Live

Participate in the challenge live and perform the tasks and activity with the trainer.

Live QnA

Ask your doubts and queries live and implement within the challenge.

30 Day Blueprint

Get a blueprint to handle your business for next 30 days.

Register before midnight of February 27th, 2021

To Unlock the bonuses worth Rs 1200/-

Bonus 1

Ebook: Memory Training

Value Rs 700/-

Bonus 2

Ebook: Speed Reading

Value Rs 500/-

You are not the first to attend

More then 900+ people attended the workshop and have a tremendous results.

About your trainer

In the last 9 months, I helped individuals to strategically move to form their current status to entrepreneurship. Most of them have already taken this opportunity as a full-timer and its a single source of earning for them. I’m a Business Coach” and help people strategically switch from job to business without a loss of monthly revenue & earning back business investments in 1st month itself.
I developed a Risk-free & recession-free model with a proven business plan so your journey from employee to employer becomes a reality.

Rajul Shrivastava
Co Founder Mindpriests

Here is the quick recap of everything that you will get

5 Hour Challenge pass: Value Rs. 14,500

Memory training Ebook

Speed reading Ebook

Memory training + Live demo - Rs 3000

Business Breakthrough Audit - Rs 1000

Digital Marketing Hacks- Rs 1000

Live FB Ad Setup -Rs 3000

Proven Sales Funnel - Rs 1000

Live Conversion Callathon - Rs 2000

High Ticket Closing Script - Rs 3000

Online Assessment Template - Rs 500

Memory training ebook - Rs 700

Speed reading ebook - Rs 500

Total Value: Rs 15,700

Get 97% discount and Enroll in just Rs. 497